Quick Presentation

In the race for technological progress, it has become essential for companies to be up to date on the technologies they use internally. It is therefore necessary for them to have access to a service regrouping the most successful recent technology products over the last 5 years.

Product Hunt is a website known for highlighting new products, and has been able to put its finger on products that have become almost indispensable for some, such as Trello, Notion or Slack.

In the era of Big Data, it is ideal to have access to a database containing this exhaustive list of promising products. Good news, Product Hunt offers access to its data via an API.

However, constraints are imposed for the implementation of such a service: the service must be accessible 24/7, with regular updates and a high availability. Ideally, everything should be as automated as possible. It is the responsibility of the IT teams to find the right compromise to achieve this goal.


  • Create an application that can retrieve the list of technology products of the moment → requests to the Product Hunt API.
  • Deploy this application automatically, with regular updates and a high availability → DevOps methodology

The DevOps Product Hunting project is born.