Pipeline Duration

Let’s see how long each environment takes to deploy the application.

Dev Environment

The pipeline duration of the Dev environment takes about 8 minutes in total:

Dev Pipeline Duration

Review Environment

The pipeline duration of the Review environment takes about 12 minutes in total; with 10 minutes to create the environment and deploy the application, and 2 minutes minutes to destroy everything:

Review Pipeline Duration

Production Environment

The production environment takes about 25 minutes in total; with 14 minutes to create the environment, 8 minutes to deploy the operating and monitoring pods and 1 minute to deploy the FinOps tool Kubecost, but in reality this will only happen once, so there will be no need to create them a second time. The application will therefore only take 2 minutes to be deployed in production:

Production Pipeline Duration


Things to remember about pipeline duration:

  • The Dev environment takes 8 minutes to set up;
  • The environment Review takes 10 minutes to set up and 2 minutes to destroy;
  • The Production environment takes 25 minutes to set up once, and then takes only 2 minutes to deploy the application when it is updated.