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Before pushing code beyond the Dev environment, it is essential to verify that it is operational.
Two tests have been set up:
- The smoke test: verifies that the application works correctly;
- The code quality: checks that quality code will be pushed.
Smoke Test
During the smoke test, the application is launched from its build, then scanned with a Python script running Selenium, in order to extract the web page of the application after execution of the JS code. 📃 See python script extractWebPage.py →
The page is then transformed into an artifact that can be visualized during the Merge Request, so the maintainers of the project can quickly verify that the three services of the application (Client, API, Worker) are working correctly together.
Code Quality
Gitlab CI provides a Code Quality template, easily integrable in the pipeline. The template allows to identify Bug Risks, duplicated code, complexity, syntax issues… By integrating tools such as Eslint or SonarJava.